Category: Performance Anxiety

Is Performance Anxiety Getting the Best of You? Tip # 2…

Is performance anxiety getting the best of you? Are you overwhelmed with panic at the thought of competing in front of others? Do your limbs become a bundle of nerves and your stomach a knot of butterflies come game time? We know the feeling. And we’re here to help! In this three-part series, we’re sharing our best tips to help you navigate those meddlesome feelings of self-doubt and fear, and reduce your anxiety when you’re under pressure. Follow us here on the blog or on Facebook/Twitter for three tips on managing anxiety during the month of April. In case you missed Tip #1, click here to learn how to focus on what you can control instead of what you can’t. Now for Tip #2!

Tip #2: Embrace Anxiety

As uncomfortable as it can fee...

Is Performance Anxiety Getting the Best of You? Tip # 1…

Is performance anxiety getting the best of you? Are you overwhelmed with panic at the thought of competing in front of others? Do your limbs become a bundle of nerves and your stomach a knot of butterflies come game time? We know the feeling. And we’re here to help! In this new three-part series, we’re sharing our best tips to help you navigate those meddlesome feelings of self-doubt and fear, and reduce your anxiety when you’re under pressure. Follow us here on the blog or on Facebook/Twitter for 3 tips on managing anxiety during the month of April. Here’s our 1st tip…

Tip #1: Focus On What You Can Control

Imagine you’re standing at the free-throw line, palms sweaty under a blinking scoreboard of 65-65. All eyes on you as the game-winning point rests on your next shot. Feeling anxious? In these situations, more often than not, our brains immediately seize on the “what if’s” of the scenario and zero-in on variables outside our control. This lea...

Fleury Hires Sport Psychologist

This summer, Pittsburgh Penguins goalie Marc-Andre Fleury is working with a sport psychologist as part of his plan to regain his career momentum. After this season’s meltdown and four dismal years of postseason performances, Fleury needs to rebuild his confidence in a big way. As sports writers have pointed out, Fleury’s issues are not physical. Just as people outside of the sporting world need to see psychologists during times of duress, athletes look to sport psychologists when their heads are obviously not in the game. Like all high-performance athletes, Fleury faces too much pressure, performance anxiety, mental blocks, and loss of concentration during key moments in competitions. Working with a sport psychologist will help restore Fleury’s goalie performances by rebuilding his mental skills and strengthening his overall well-being. This work off th...