Month: July 2019

Premier Sport Psychology is excited to welcome Dr. Jaimie Rubin to our team. She will be starting August 2019 as a post doc! Read below to learn more about Jaimie!

What sport do you enjoy playing the most? 

Watching the most, I really enjoy getting to play any sport. I love any chance to be active and competitive especially getting to do so with friends! But if I had to chose my favorite to play is basketball. I played basketball in college and coached for five years after college. I love watching women’s and men’s college basketball, the women’s national soccer team, and of course my Giants and Yankees!

Would you rather create history or delete it? What would you delete/create and why?

I would rather create it. I’d love to be a part of creating a history of diversity, inclusion, and equity.

What’s one song that you have completely memorized/What song is your guilty pleasure? 

I memorized Run Around by Blues Traveler with my dad on a recruiting trip in high school.

If you could only watch 3 movies for the rest of your life, what would they be?

First Wives Club, Remember the Titans, The American President

What quote inspires you the most/Who (in your life) inspires you the most?

“If it wasn’t hard everyone would do it”

What’s your favorite podcast/What’s your favorite book?  Why?

It is so challenging to pick just one podcast! But I do have an affinity for some of the true crime and investigation podcasts including Up and Vanished and S-Town. I also love some weekly podcasts including Keep It, This Might Get Weird, Pod Save America, and My Favorite Murder. This isn’t a podcast, but I watch Red Table Talk on Facebook every week because it is amazing!


Premier Sport Psychology is excited to welcome Dr. Adam Gallenberg to our team. He will be starting August 2019 as a post doc! Read below to learn more about Adam!

What has most drawn you to the field of sport psychology?

I love the active aspect of the job, so spending time “on the field” with teams to conducting individual sessions in the office throughout the day makes the work
exciting and unique.

What sport do you enjoy playing the most? Watching the most?

Although completely different, I enjoy participating in boxing and ballroom dancing equally. However, when it comes to watching, boxing definitely comes
out on top.

What’s one song that you have completely memorized/What song is your guilty pleasure? 

“I want it that way” – The Backstreet Boys is both memorized and a guilty pleasure.

What fictional place would you most like to visit?

Hogwarts, although the theme park in Orlando is close…

Would you rather show up to a presentation where none of your technology/preparation works or would you rather give an impromptu presentation without prior knowledge of it?

Both actually happened this past year! Although I hope neither happens again, I would rather deal with technology issues because I am at least prepared with the
material I’ll be presenting on.

What quote inspires you the most/Who (in your life) inspires you the most?

“It ain’t about how hard you hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.” – Rocky

Please welcome Premier’s new team member Chrissy Holm. Read below to learn more about our new Project Specialist.

What has most drawn you to the field of sport psychology?

Sport Psychology is a field that moves fast, and I am drawn to the multiple elements of performance such as training mental performance skills, mindfulness, biofeedback, clinical sport psychology, and emotional intelligence/self-awareness. Working to continuously find a competitive edge, I am intrigued by the opportunity to train both the mind and body in unison to achieve excellence. As a yoga instructor I recognize the power of the mind-body connection to achieve physical feats, and committed to investing in mental wellness to keep the individual as a whole working optimally. 

Who inspired you as a young athlete and why? Steve Yzerman from the Detroit Redwings was my favorite athlete growing up. He was an incredible leader at a young age- he was elected captain of the Redwings at age 21, lead the team to multiple Stanley Cup wins, and performed his best under pressure with absolute integrity and grit. 

Outside of the “basic” or “standard” apps on your phone, if you could only choose to have 3, what would they be? 

Calm- for guided meditations and sleep stories to help keep me anchored in the present moment and achieve some quality Z’s. 

Whole Foods- as someone with a gluten allergy, I’m always trying to cash in on those Amazon Prime deals at my favorite store! 

Waze- I appreciate a navigational app that aims to stay efficient by finding another way to get it done (also a great life mantra!) 

What’s one song that you have completely memorized/What song is your guilty pleasure? The song that I can sing start to finish without skipping a beat is Clint Eastwood by Gorillaz, although my guilty pleasure music is anything you would imagine hearing in a hair salon. Electronic, good vibes music with an energetic beat and minimal to entirely strange lyrics. 

If you could only watch 3 movies for the rest of your life, what would they be? 

Bull Durham, Pulp Fiction, Silence of the Lambs 

What quote inspires you the most/Who (in your life) inspires you the most?

“To do anything really well, you have to overextend yourself… In my case, I learned that I just had to pay twice as much attention. I came to appreciate that in doing something over and over again, something that was never natural becomes almost second nature. You learn that you have the capacity for that and that it doesn’t come overnight.” – John Irving

What is your focus cue or mantra that you use to get in the game? Competency over Confidence. Keep the focus on the task-at-hand and trust your preparation. 

If you weren’t going into sport psychology, what would you do? Sports broadcasting or orthopedic surgeon.  

What’s your favorite podcast/What’s your favorite book? I have a hard time choosing favorites…Books: Grit by Angela Duckworth, Mastery by George Leonard, Dune by Frank Herbert, and The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. Podcasts: The Minimalists, In the Dark (APM Reports), TED Radio Hour 

What are you a “closet fan” of? Putting powdered peanut butter (PB2) and cinnamon on everything. 

If you were stranded on a deserted island, who/what would you bring and why? My smooth fox terrier named Henley, my travel yoga mat, and a Costco sized bag of veggie straws. You can make the most out of any challenging situation with a furry friend, exercise, and an almost guilt-free snack. 

What’s something that people get wrong about you the most? I enjoy a good challenge and will bring optimism or find the silver lining/lesson learned in everything that I do.  I genuinely experience joy from these experiences and I wear that on my sleeve. I think that sometimes I come off as not grinding because I’m having fun while doing it!  I believe that you can work extremely hard and at the same time, you don’t need to look miserable or complain to be getting things accomplished. The more positive and productive energy you bring to a task, the more that others want to get involved which drives collaboration and sustained success!