Tag: Mindset Training

Q: What was your sport and how many years did you play?

A: I played hockey almost simultaneously with walking. My dad flooded a back yard rink and I was skating by 3. I began playing organized hockey when I was about 5 years old. So in total I played every year for about 17 years. I also played soccer and fast pitch growing up, but hockey was my main sport.

Q: Did you find it beneficial to play other sports as well?

A: Absolutely. I am a strong advocate for athletes to play multiple sports, especially when you are young. There are a couple reasons for this. First off, a kid might end up falling in love with a sport they would have never initially played in if not given the opportunity. Strange to think what would have happened if Gretzky never put on the skates the first time or if Michael Jordan never picked up a basketball. Secondly, you are developing as an athlete not just as a “hockey player” or “baseball player” or what have you. The best athletes often become that because they are well rounded! A hockey player will benefit a lot from the footwork of soccer just as football players will benefit from the hand eye coordination of baseball. Limiting yourself to one sport and putting all your time and energy into just that can actually end up hurting you in the long run, in my opinion.

Q: When you graduated from high school and began to play at the collegiate level was there a certain amount of adjustment?

A: Yes, very much so. The game is faster, everyone is stronger and smarter too. Any athlete that is growing up and having aspirations to play beyond high school needs to know that you are putting in a commitment. Playing in college is very challenging both physically and mentally as well. Just as important as it is to develop skills and physical abilities in your sport, you need to work on your mental game as well. I learned that everything from confidence to focus to self-talk can be what make or break your performance at any level.

Q: Last year was your final year as a competitive athlete in the sport you love. Talk about that transition.

A: There has been ups and downs on both ends of the spectrum. Being an athlete can be really tough! For years you start to connect who you are and your identity with a sport because it is so near and dear to your heart. But the most important thing is to remember that while your sport was a big part of helping you become who you are now, it does not define you. Sports are kind of like a stage for you to stand up and show who you are, and your character. And after you are finished with that, you just need to find the next stage to work off of to continue to grow. I am not saying it is easy, because I have had times where knowing my competitive career is over has been a really hard reality to wrestle with. It just really comes down to how you handle it! I have been able to coach at Breck this season and have found so much reward in giving back to the sport that has given back to me. I have also had a great support group of friends, family and past/present teammates from school. So many former athletes struggle with this adjustment and making sure to take care of your well-being should always be the first priority! If that means coaching, great! If it means starting a new job or grad school that’s great too! And for some people that means reaching out and talking to a therapist about this life transition. I think the way everyone handles adjustments in life is different, and the more we encourage people to seek the most positive outlets for them individually, the more fluent the transition will be!

Q: And what does “life after hockey” look like for you?

A: Like I said, I started coaching this year and fell in love with it. If I could continue to do that through the years that would be amazing. I also do a lot of coaching through Winny Brodt and give back to the game that way. Outside of hockey I am headed back to grad school in the fall to start a masters in counseling psychology, and hopefully (fingers crossed) go on to get my Ph.D. as well. In a perfect world I would start a private practice, but for now I am focusing on getting one thing at a time done.

Q: Do you have any advice for young athletes in regard to the psychology of sport or anything else?

A: I would just emphasize the importance of having fun and enjoying every minute, because the minutes seem to just keep going by quicker and quicker as you get older! And to always treat yourself well. Whether it is how you talk to yourself, the people you surround yourself with, or the expectations you put on yourself, be fair. You are always your own strongest critic and becoming the best player/person you can be is going to be from striking a balance between constructive feedback/critiquing and positive self-image and confidence. It can be a very tough balance to find, but if you want to become the most optimal player and person you can be, it is an absolutely critical skill to develop.

If you look at any sport team, you will likely find many athletes that incorporate superstitions into their pre-game routines. Michael Jordan wore his University of North Carolina shorts under his uniform in every game of his professional career, insisting that they brought him luck. As a five-time MVP and six-time NBA Champion, it seems there may have been some method to his madness. Crossing borders onto the ice rink, Patrick Roy, one of the best goalies in NHL history, would skate backward toward his net and turn around at the last minute before every game. He believed this would “shrink the net”. (If that’s not interesting enough, he would talk to his goal posts and thank them when the puck would ring off them!) New York Mets reliever Turk Wendell would brush his teeth in between every inning and requested a contract of $9,999,999.99 to compliment his uniform number 99. So what is the real story behind superstitions? Why do they develop? And the biggest question: do they help?

How do Superstitions Start?

Superstitions are generally developed in retrospect when athletes begin to correlate performance with unrelated events/actions during the day. When an athlete performs particularly well (or conversely, when they perform poorly) they may look back at their day and point to specific events that could have caused the outlier performance. This can be anything from a song they heard to the type of undergarments they were wearing. It is not unusual to see superstitions that involve something with little, if any, connection to performance. Things like a haircut or shaving ones legs become carefully planned out to either “help” or avoid “hurting” performance. When athletes create this “cause and effect” between events and performance they chalk up their best performances to the events preceding the competition, and try to recreate it before competition. And you guessed it; they avoid any events that happened before terrible performances.

The Downfalls of Superstitions

While many superstitions are harmless, getting too consumed by them may cause problems in preparing. When developed superstitions begin to become all-consuming and athletes “need” them to be mentally prepared it can become stressful and produce fear and anxiety. An athlete may forget to recreate the superstition or not get to it before competition and lead themselves to believe that the way they perform is then out of their control. Giving power to these events/things can be very dangerous. Severe obsessions with superstitions can start to look like OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) and can mentally block an athlete’s ability to perform, when in reality the superstition cannot change the outcome of competition. The way an athlete prepares, and later performs, is almost entirely in their control. Outside factors such as weather and time delays may present challenges, but it is the athlete themselves who can work through that adversity and push themselves to reach optimal perform.

The Benefits of Superstitions

When superstitions are simply habits, quirks, or pregame routines they can actually be beneficial for some athletes. Having small things that are incorporated into preparation for competition can give an athlete a sense of control and confidence. Superstitions such as eating a good meal before a game, warming up the same, or listening to a favorite song can get your mind focused and remind your body that you are preparing for competition. You may have heard the phrase that humans are “creatures of habit” and as long as the habits are healthy, who is to say they won’t help you perform better? In fact, psychology has shown over and over that if you believe a specific action or behavior will help you perform better, then you probably will perform better! This is commonly known as the placebo effect. Sport psychology encourages the use of mental preparation strategies such as visualization and imagery to help athletes prepare mentally for competition. NFL quarterback Russell Wilson uses these techniques along with mindfulness to bring his game to the next level. Zack Parise of the Minnesota Wild uses visualization before every NHL game. By imagining yourself in a high competition setting, and performing successfully, you are preparing not only your mind for competition, but your body as well.

So can superstitions really be lucky? Depending on the type of superstition and dependence on it, it seems that things that stimulate mental preparation can increase performance. Outside of that… never washing your lucky socks cannot make or break your performance, unless you believe it can. It certainly will however make for a smelly locker. You need to step back and assess what meaning the superstition has in connection with your performance. And if that meaning can propel you to the top of your game then by all means use it to your advantage. Just remember that Louis Pasteur once said “Fortune favors the prepared mind.” So prepare properly, and you will get predictable performance. Strong mental preparation will provide you the luck you are searching for.

Janus: the Roman God of beginnings and transitions. The double-faced God looks in opposite directions; toward the past and also toward the future. The month of January has been named in remnant of this Roman God, representing the doorway into a new year. As 2015 approaches, we can take time to use Janus as a guide to look both at the past year and what the New Year has in store for us.

The beginning of the New Year is a time for fresh starts, new creations and a chance to begin again. The importance of looking forward to what lies ahead in the upcoming year and what may rise within you, your sport, your relationships and your hopes is something to spend time cultivating. Take time to set daily, weekly and monthly goals for the year that help move you in the direction of what it is ultimately important to you. To help fuel you, remember to let your values guide your goals. Here are three keys questions to ask yourself when developing your goals:

  • What is my passion for doing this activity?
  • Why is this important to me?
  • What am I willing to commit to (emotionally/physically) in order to achieve my goals?

Janus has two-faces; he sees both directions, looking not only toward the future but also at past events. January is also a time to reflect back on the previous year and see the progression of how the past has influenced and shaped who you are today as an athlete. Here are several reflection questions to spend time answering:

  • What accomplishments and areas have I excelled at within the past year?
  • Are there specific elements within my sport that I would like to grow or improve?
  • Which of those areas are within my control and can I let go of those that were not within my control?

Most importantly, we must not forget to take a second to simply just be in the moment we are in, savoring our current surroundings and situations. Become aware of yourself, your successes, mistakes, hopes, what scares you, your dreams… Take five minutes to create a safe space for where you are in this time without judgment and allow yourself to just be. Within that moment, can you discover one morsel of gratitude for yourself, someone else or something within your life?

Let Janus be the light to shine on the beginning of your January 2015 with reflection of your 2014, time to be present with yourself and your gratitude, as well as hope for what is to come for a prosperous upcoming year!

Happy New Year from Premier Sport Psychology!