Category: Sport Psychology

Preventing Mental Fatigue

We’re often asked the best ways for athletes to avoid mental fatigue.  Our answer tends to be a combination of motivation and focus training. First, we tell athletes to tap into their motivators.  We ask them to remember what drives them in their sport.  We ask them to remember what they love about their sport, what gets them out of bed each day and drives them to perform, and we tap into those core motivators.  That’s what we’re really after: those intrinsic drivers that first brought the athletes to their sport. It’s easy for athletes’ focus to drift to the pressures and expectations of competing.  They want to achieve a specific goal or a targeted outcome. And that’s fine. But when we hold our focus on those reasons alone, we can sometimes lose the primary reasons that we began playing the sport in the first place.  That’s what often leads to mental fatigue and burnout. On the other hand, if we’re conscious of what we’re attending to, and how much pr...

Meet Laina Nelson

Premier Sport Psychology is excited to introduce one of our Summer 2018 interns, Laina Nelson!  Read below to learn more about Laina. Let’s start with a fun fact about yourself. I absolutely love sports, but I also love music and performing. I have been writing music since I was about 13 years old and bought my first guitar. A couple years ago I even got to record my own music in Nashville. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? That is a tough question. I absolutely love to travel, but I have always really wanted to see Niagara Falls or Bora Bora. For real, I would be open to going anywhere! What is the best show you’ve watched on Netflix? I am a total binge-watcher when it comes to Netflix. The most...

Meet Joe Brinkman

Premier Sport Psychology is excited to introduce one of our Summer 2018 interns, Joe Brinkman!  Read below to learn more about Joe. Let’s start with a fun fact about yourself. I am the oldest of eight kids in my family! It is a crazy household, but I would never trade it to be an only child with a quiet house. That just sounds way too boring. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? I could never pick one place! There are so many different things I want to see and explore in this world. Rome is definitely towards the top, as well as Ireland and New Zealand. Trying to pick one destination is a nightmare! What is the best show you’ve watched on Netflix? Read Full Article