Category: Mindset Training

Maximizing Athletic Ability – Interview with Dr. Justin Anderson and NFL Veteran Isaac Byrd

Ever wonder what it takes to make the most of your athletic ability? Want to hear it first-hand from an NFL vet and a licensed sport psychologist? Look no further - the entire conversation between Isaac Byrd and our very own Dr. Justin Anderson is available via podcast here. To download the podcast from iTunes and see some more of Isaac Byrd's work, check out his iTunes account here....

Q & A With Former Collegiate Athlete, Bethany Brausen

Q: What was your sport and how many years did you play? A: I played hockey almost simultaneously with walking. My dad flooded a back yard rink and I was skating by 3. I began playing organized hockey when I was about 5 years old. So in total I played every year for about 17 years. I also played soccer and fast pitch growing up, but hockey was my main sport. Q: Did you find it beneficial to play other sports as well? A: Absolutely. I am a strong advocate for athletes to play multiple sports, especially when you are young. There are a couple reasons for this. First off, a kid might end up falling in love with a sport they would have never initially played in if not given the opportunity. Strange to think what would have happened if Gretzky never put on the skates the first time or if Michael Jordan never picked up a basketball. Secondly, you are developing as an athlete not just as a “hockey player” or “baseball player” or what have you. The b...

Reflect, Be Present, and Embrace Hope

Janus: the Roman God of beginnings and transitions. The double-faced God looks in opposite directions; toward the past and also toward the future. The month of January has been named in remnant of this Roman God, representing the doorway into a new year. As 2015 approaches, we can take time to use Janus as a guide to look both at the past year and what the New Year has in store for us. The beginning of the New Year is a time for fresh starts, new creations and a chance to begin again. The importance of looking forward to what lies ahead in the upcoming year and what may rise within you, your sport, your relationships and your hopes is something to spend time cultivating. Take time to set daily, weekly and monthly goals for the year that help move you in the direction of what it is ultimately important to you. To help fuel you, remember to let your values guide your goals. Here are three keys questions to ask yourself when developing your goals: