Category: Confidence

5 Sport Psychology Skills Every Coach Should Know

Leadership One of the most important skills that a coach can develop is personal leadership. As a coach, you are put into a role that deems a significant amount of guidance and responsibility. Athletes will observe all your positive attributes, but also your downfalls. Developing a set of leadership skills that will help athletes improve both in sport and in personal endeavors is crucial. “Make no doubt about it, athletes not only need effective leadership, they also desire it. Young people want consistent parameters, direction, order structure, organization and discipline. They need it whether they know it or not. It gives them security, and that, in turn, helps them to be more confident.” (Dorfman, 2003) Blog: “Qualities of a quality leader” Imagery Imagery has been the focus of a great deal of research over the recent years. Results consistently lead us to believe that successful implementation of imagery techniques have a dir...

Qualities of a Quality Leader

In preparation for writing this blog I researched leadership heavily. I did so with the intent to find correlations and predictions of leadership abilities from various factors. I wanted to find out if there were certain traits or characteristics that really defined the best leader. Meta-analysis after meta-analysis I kept stumbling upon the same answer, one that I had not expected. The answer that there was not one definitive answer. While one analysis will point to a certain personality type, another will support quite the opposite. Other research shows that levels of motivation are the most important character trait but can quickly countered by another arguing the importance of social skills. So what is it that really makes a great leader? What is it that gives one person the ability to influence over another? Why do some do so verbally and others lead by example? There is so much to learn about leadership on a multitude of levels. As complex and depth full as the research is, it do...

Learn to Listen to Yourself

NPR radio recently broadcast a segment called “Why Saying is Believing – The Science of Self-Talk”.  If you think it sounds like a waste of your time, you might need to change your self-talk. Laura Starecheski investigates the messages we send ourselves and the implications these messages have on our daily lives. While it may seem like a simple feat, the ability to use positive self-talk on a consistent basis is easier said than done. However, this skill--when mastered--can have major benefits on our well-being and can lead us to feeling “sexier, more successful, have better relationships, and even help start a money making business and chase dreams [we] didn’t even know [we] had.” Starecheski investigates these claims by finding leading researchers in their fields and picking their brains on…well, how we pick on our brains. David Sarwer from the University of Pennsylvania specializes in research on eating disorders and immediately places a mirror in front of pati...